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What is the violation of the prohibition mark?

  • 分类:公司新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-02-07 09:45

【概要描述】Violation of prohibition marking refers to: prohibition marking refers to the yellow solid line on the ground (no crossing in the middle of the road) and the yellow big fork (representing no parking), and pressing it up means violation of prohibition marking. Common situations: 1. Single and double yellow solid lines are prohibited markings, and it is illegal to press or cross the line during driving. 2. If the intersection does not drive in the corresponding lane according to the guide line, it also belongs to the above provisions. 3. Illegal temporary or long-term parking. 4. Turning around is not allowed on the road section, and turning left is prohibited, all of which are in violation of the prohibition marking instructions. Note: Prohibition of marking is a violation of the

What is the violation of the prohibition mark?

【概要描述】Violation of prohibition marking refers to: prohibition marking refers to the yellow solid line on the ground (no crossing in the middle of the road) and the yellow big fork (representing no parking), and pressing it up means violation of prohibition marking. Common situations: 1. Single and double yellow solid lines are prohibited markings, and it is illegal to press or cross the line during driving. 2. If the intersection does not drive in the corresponding lane according to the guide line, it also belongs to the above provisions. 3. Illegal temporary or long-term parking. 4. Turning around is not allowed on the road section, and turning left is prohibited, all of which are in violation of the prohibition marking instructions. Note: Prohibition of marking is a violation of the

  • 分类:公司新闻
  • 作者:
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  • 发布时间:2020-02-07 09:45
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  Violation of prohibition marking refers to: prohibition marking refers to the yellow solid line on the ground (no crossing in the middle of the road) and the yellow big fork (representing no parking), and pressing it up means violation of prohibition marking.

Common situation:
1. Single and double yellow solid lines are prohibited markings, and it is illegal to press or cross the line during driving.
2. If the intersection does not drive in the corresponding lane according to the guide line, it also belongs to the above provisions.
3. Illegal temporary or long-term parking.
4. Turning around is not allowed on the road section, and turning left is prohibited, all of which are in violation of the prohibition marking instructions.
Note: no line indication refers to violation of no line, that is, changing lane on a solid line. Turning around is not allowed on the road section, and turning left is prohibited, all of which are in violation of the prohibition marking instructions. No line refers to the yellow solid line on the ground (no crossing in the middle of the road) and the yellow big fork (representing no parking). Pressing it up will violate the no line instruction.





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